Leadership Articles

Q&A with Houston Engineering Company VP

Brindley Engineering recently hired Khanh Phan, PE, PMP, a 30+ year industry veteran, as VP Project Services. This strategic move is part of Brindley Engineering’s expansion in Houston and beyond. We sat down to learn more about Khanh’s goals and ambitions for BE....

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brindley engineering houston office team

What to Look for in Your Engineering Job Search

Q&A With Brindley Engineering’s Talent Acquisition Manager, Mark Manalad We sat down with Mark Manalad, Brindley Engineering’s Talent Acquisition Manager, to learn about current market trends and how to navigate a job search for engineering jobs in Chicago....

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Engineering Leadership Principle #10: Empowerment

By Bernie Gunn, Engineering Manager, Brindley Engineering “I understand how I am empowered, and how my work impacts the organization’s business goals.” This is one of the survey questions from Brindley Engineering’s (BE) recent Engagement Survey that is sent to...

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Engineering Leadership Principle #8: Delegation

By Mark Guirguis, Account Manager, Brindley Engineering Letting go of the ‘I have to do it all myself’ mentality and learning to delegate. Leadership is a term that can mean many things to people. To some, it means being a decision maker. To others, it means...

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delegating in engineering
